Wednesday, October 29, 2014

This Sh** Is Hard!

Hello my lovelies! Happy autumn! What have you been up to in the past weeks? I've been wonderfully busy with my health and wellness business, Get This Glow! Health & Wellness. That's definitely a good thing...yet, I've learned that even though I absolutely love what I do, running a business on your own is not easy! Dare I say...hard? I guess that's relative. For me, slaving for hours for someone else weeks, months, years on end...that's hard. Depending on how bad you want something, the definition of "hard" is ironically flexible. I pass the same things I learn from running a business on to my clients when they tell me eating healthy and exercising is hard. Here's what I share:

1. What's the alternative?
When decided to become self employed because after 18 years of the nursing rat race, I knew there was more In store for me, I had to face the facts that I'd have to be more disciplined. No more mindless getting dressed, driving to work, putting in 12-13 hours of what I normally did, and then going back home. I had to be my own boss which meant setting up my own schedule and routine, and being the only one held accountable if I didn't reach my weekly goals. Couldn't blame my boss, coworkers, or even my patients! The alternative was to continue to be unhappy in a no longer fulfilling career.
So you have to cook a couple of meals at home, and choose a baked potato over fries when you dine out. You choose a physical activity that's fun for you, do it at least 3 times per week for 30-40 minutes, and mix it up when you get bored. Flood your body with endorphins while slaying toxin-laden fat cells.
It's really not that hard when you look at the big picture. You decided you needed a change for a reason. Weight loss, less stress, lowered blood pressure, no more diabetes medication...whatever it is that you're fed up with, that's your alternative. Make a few small changes a bit at a time and be held accountable, or go back to your unhealthy and unhappy lifestyle.

2. It's not all work and no play.
Yes, you have to put in the work to get the desired results, but it's all good! Hard work=great payoff. People start to notice. You feel good about yourself and what you're doing. When it is time to relax, you don't have to worry about things falling apart because you've built up a great system and you  now know what works. 
See clients, do the financial paperwork and multiple other behind the scenes stuff 3-4 days per week, and then you can have the remaining days for yourself. You know things are in order. 
Same as with your new healthy lifestyle routine. Eat well and exercise 5-6 days per week, and then take a day or so to relax and enjoy with friends and family. You'll be in a better frame of mind when it's time to hit it hard again, and you'll actually look forward to it! This is not punishment, nor is it a race. Welcome to your new and wonderful life!

Me vacationing with the fam on Tybee Island beach, Georgia

3. You don't have to know it all or do it all by yourself.
Come on...we're human. As much as some of us would like to think we're superheroes, we're kinda not. Sure, we can handle 19 things at once on 4 hours worth of sleep, but what does that get us in the long run? Tired. Cranky. Nowhere. Instead, I like to turn to my mentors and fellow industry connections when I need help with an idea or project. In turn, they reach out to me. We're learning new things every day, and nobody needs to do be on this entrepreneurial journey alone. 
Likewise, when you're learning what the newest superfood is, or how to choose salmon, or even how much exercise you need to do in a week, GET SOME SUPPORT! Emotionally, any major life change is difficult. Going from fast food daily to cooking your meals is a major life change. Don't you dare try to do this on your own. Your health coach is there for you, your physical trainer, your therapist, dietician, and even your supportive friends and family. One day at a time, lovely!

There you have it. Transforming your life in any aspect is not easy. However, when you consider the unhappiness that you want to be free from, it's not entirely that hard either! What other tips do you have to get through the rough patches? Share below!

Until next time,

Love & Happiness,


Nikki Thomas, RN, CPN, CHHC, AADP is a lover of life, health, and truth. I strive to help you find your balance and sanity in this occasionally insane world. I am a registered nurse, a board certified holistic health practitioner, life and health coach. Let's talk about health & wellness, fashion, beauty, and food! 
Find me at
Instagram: @veganfashionista

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