I thought so. What's going on here? Why do we do this to ourselves? I mean, I know it's obvious that the ultimate goal is weight loss. However, by what means? What are the deeper reasons...and more importantly, the deeper consequences?
I saw this post today, and laughed at the author's candid reactions to certain foods that she vowed never to try again (some healthy, and some not so much). After the humor, I applauded her for deciding not to subject herself over and over to things that don't work for her!
When it comes to "dieting", why can't we do the same? Let's go...
1. We forget. Truly. We go on all of these crazy, short term, sometimes non-nutritive diets, and forget how irritable, anxious, bitchy, and HUNGRY we were while on them. But! Our high school reunion is coming up, and we have just got to show that one person we were secretly jealous of how much thinner than her we are now! Right? You gained the weight back the next week. Sigh.
2. We think one size fits all. In diets, and clothes sizes, we tend to believe the hype and think everything is for everybody. Come on, really? We all have unique fingerprints! The same perfume that I wear can smell completely different on you. Why wouldn't that qualify us to have some bioindividuality in what makes each of us function at our best? When I was in nutrition school, I learned that there are over 100 dietary theories out there. Whoa! Atkins, Paleo, The Blood Type Diet, Vegan, Vegetarian, Mediterranean, The South Beach Diet, Low Carb, High Carb...arrrrgh! If you're new healthy living, it can be very confusing. What to do? Marketing gurus convince us that this diet is better than that diet. Look! She lost 100 pounds in 2 weeks while doing this, you can too! Ok, a bit of a stretch, but you get my point.
3. We're lost. There is a part of us that is neglecting the essence of who we are and what we truly need to be happy. When you continually put yourself through discomfort and mental trauma (intentional or not) for temporary external results, what does this tell your subconscious? One: that short term quick fixes are the only solution to issues in your life. Two: that you're not really worthy of finding out the deeper truths and lasting answers to whatever it is you're needing.
Issue arises~>binge on something nice and fattening~>feel guilty~>go on a quick diet~>lose some weight~>feel deprived during the process~>binge afterwards~>repeat.
So, you want to get off this ride, huh? I did too. I decided to let go of all the madness, lies I'd been told (and told myself), embrace and love my body and self at that moment, and not wait until I lost x pounds. I asked my body what it wanted and needed to function optimally. I went to a biofeedback session here in Atlanta to find out what I needed to further remove from my diet and environment for an even healthier lifestyle. Even though I was already vegan, I would still feel sluggish and bloated. I found out I had allergies to gluten, malt, citrus (boo! I love lemons and grapefruit), so I reduced those items or cut them out completely.
Bottom line...find out what works for you. Stop dieting! If you eat something and it makes you feel bad (bloated, headaches, itchy, rash, moody), cut it out. If you are constantly craving a certain food or foods, you may be deficient in specific nutrients. It does not mean you just get to eat that whole tub of ice cream! Check out this post from my newsletter on the cravings issue.
Remember to incorporate lots of fresh, whole foods in your diet (organic when possible)...yet still watch for sensitivities. Adjust as necessary until you find a way of eating that leaves you feeling energetic and makes you glow!
Treat yourself occasionally. No deprivation. Get exercise of some sort daily. Do something good for yourself and others. Smile. Surround yourself with love, and lovely people. Have some cabbage soup if you want just won't need it 3 times a day for 10 days ever again!
Love & Happiness!
Nikki Thomas, RN, CPN, CHHC, AADP is a lover of life, health, and truth. I strive to help you find your balance and sanity in this occasionally insane world. I am a registered nurse, a board certified holistic health practitioner, life and health coach. Let's talk about health & wellness, fashion, beauty, and food!
Find me at
Instagram: @veganfashionista
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