I know it might be a bit "darkish" for some, but it is truly from my heart and a reflection of a part of my experience here on earth. Truthfully, it is how I came to be here, and I think it reveals how and why I have so much determination to succeed, love, and support others in this life. See? Everything can be turned around and used for good!
I'll leave the link to the poem entry at the bottom if you feel so inclined to vote for me, and/or comment. Take a deep breath...and enjoy.
Dysfunctional Womb
By: Nikki Thomas
The darkness of its shelter
prepared me for a lifetime
An absence of warmth, a presence of resentment
Nothing nourished me, her voice never spoke my name
I don't remember a visit from love
I don't remember a visit from joy
I don't remember asking for much
Yet, her womb rejected me; I wasn't welcome
It trapped me with scorn and made me afraid
But my pulse was my lullaby and it often sang out my name
Otherwise alone, I had no sanity
No passersby smiled at my bulging intrusiveness
She never invited them to touch her new girth
She had no glow
Her mind was ticking
What would she do?
How would her existence mimic what it was
before...before I was planted and morphed into a life
she could no longer ignore?
Maybe it was time for me to surrender
Yes! I planned to search for air I could breathe
Life I could live
Love I could feel
I twisted and turned and happily brought her pain
The journey from the bitter blackness filled me with hope
She looked away and gave me up with a bloody push
and never embraced me, no not once
I didn't care
I was here
And the darkness of its shelter had prepared me
for this...
Unfortunately, you have to click on it from a laptop/desktop vs your smartphone or it will just redirect you to the World Poetry Movement page on Facebook (which is ok, too!) I'll also put up a vid on YouTube of me reading it later today, as well as discussing the meaning behind this a little bit more in depth. My second YouTube site is http://www.youtube.com/veganfashionista
Hope to see you there.
The universe allowed me the chance to do for my baby what my mother couldn't with me. Love unconditionally.
Until next time,
Love and Happiness!
Nikki <3