Monday, October 17, 2011

This or That?

I am coming off of a fabulous weekend filled with promise of new beginnings and second chances.
So why am I pissed off?
I learned long ago that just because good things are happening for you, not everyone will share in your happiness. Cool. Understandable. People can be selfish, unhappy haters. It happens everyday.
However, when someone you don't even KNOW crosses the line and sends you a message spewing hatred, jealousy, and ill will-I get tripped up a bit. How can your life be so miserable and meaningless that you would spend so much time concocting an unsatisfying breakfast of ignorance? Did it change your misery when you hit "send"?
Now, I am very far from the chick from Brooklyn who would have immediately retaliated to that email. She would have rang the alarm and the troops would have been sent into Operation Beat Down. Yet, that same chick knocked on the door and asked if she was needed for a split second.
Years of yoga and meditation, running and vegetarianism has thankfully somewhat diminshed the fireball temper I was born with.
So what was the best way to resolve this situation that I felt was a test of my emotional growth? Zen chick or Brooklyn chick? This or that?
I decided that I am a sum of my parts. I refuse to squelch all of the lessons that Brooklyn chick taught me: be smart, be strong, be cautious, be unafraid of anyone, be who you are. Yet I welcome the new lessons that Zen chick has blessed my life with: choose your battles, fools rush in, don't overreact, love yourself so you can love others, you create your own situation, and....BREATHE.
As I (somewhat) politely responded that she didn't know me and to please stay out of my effin life, it was good enough for me. Even as the ignorance and drama poured forth afterwards, I took a deep breath...deleted...and moved on with my life.
I can't and will not react to every negative person who crosses my path. THIS I do know.

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