Sunday, October 9, 2011

Organize Thyself!

I'm pretty sure that should have been a commandment. If for no one else, then just me.
(Although, I'm guessing somebody can relate).

The downside of having such a creative and busy mind is that things get cracking in there faster than you can sometimes keep track of. Meanwhile, you're so damn proud of yourself thinking you're getting things accomplished...and all you're doing is keeping busy.

My goal is to always be productive versus just busy. I used to think busy was good, right? No.

About 6 years ago, I launched a mini magazine, Butterfly, after my first book was published the year before not realizing how much work it would take to maintain both...and a full time job as a pediatric RN...and a single mom of 2 boys. Insane? Ok, fine. I agree. Sadly, I had to let Butterfly go-for a time.

I quickly learned to WRITE IT DOWN! Organization was the anecdote for my spur of the moment inspirational ideas. Once I had a written plan, measurable and realistic goals, and the bigger picture in place, I was able to see what I was really getting into. I use vision boards with timelines...lifesaver! I encourage everyone to create one, even if only to sort out what you desire out of life.

When my next inspiration hit in 2009, I was ready! I was literally doing crunches and thought, "I should sell these cakes that I bake for people since they get such positive reviews". I sat down, explored the pros and cons along with my expectations. I decided I could take orders online during the day and bake after work. She Bakes Cakes was born. I did not expect such an instant interest; I was getting orders as far away as California! I had orders on average of 5 per day and I was determined to meet my promise of a 24hr turnaround. I became the queen of organization and things were working out great...until my gas bill told me I needed a bigger, more commercial space.
So while I had to pause that business for a time as well, I definitely learned how to run a small business with proper planning and time management. The learning I have obtained along the way has gotten me to where I need to be today as a businesswoman. A mentor of mine once told me that your very first business venture is how you run your household...finances, time & family management, and relationships at home use the same skills needed. Simple, yet genius.

It's still fun to get the middle-of-the-night inspirational ideas. I am an entrepreneur by spirit. However, my right brain also has to yield to my analytical left brain at times so that I'm not the chick who constantly just talks about doing things...but actually makes it happen!

Disclaimer (read out loud quickly, like they do in the commercials): Personal results may vary. If her organizational skills ever drop below effective levels of production, Nikki Thomas pledges to hire a personal assistant who she knows will get the job done including the resurrection of She Bakes Cakes and Butterfly Magazine =)

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