Thursday, August 22, 2013

Vegan Mommies!

Hello my lovelies! As a tribute to my 2 year vegan anniversary coming up in a couple of weeks, I've decided to showcase the vegan lifestyle beyond my four walls. In my Health Coaching classes, we are learning about bio-individuality, and the fact that not one type of diet benefits everyone. Agreed! What works for my life, ethics, and beliefs is a vegan lifestyle however, and I love sharing it with anyone who is considering or already living this way.
Last week I had the pleasure of interviewing Olivia "Livvie" Caldwell as my first "Vegan Mommy". Now, not to get anyone to thinking about my age, but Livvie happens to be the daughter of an ex-coworker and nurse friend of mine. She is also the same age as my older son; in fact, they went to middle school together. Stop it! I see you doing the math.

Without further ado, here's a peek into some of the fun we had...

Vegan Fashionista: First off, I want to thank you for participating in this! I see from your Facebook page that you are an avid vegan like myself. I don't personally know a lot of vegans, but I'm part of a big vegan know how that goes...
Olivia Caldwell: (laughs) Yeah...

VF: How old are your children? You have two, right? A boy and a girl?
OC:  Yep! Gabe will be 4 in November, so he's 3 and Cameron just turned 2.
VF: Wow! They are so cute!  Especially little Cameron with her poses and expressions. 
OC: (laughter)

VF: So, I wanted to do this series to drive away the idea for some that veganism is just a fad. I have had people ask me "are you still doing the vegan thing?". Not to say you can't change your ideals and way of living, but I want people to understand that there are entire families living this way, and it's sustainable. 
OC: That makes sense.

 Alicia Silverstone
Tia Mowry
Why mom Tia Mowry went vegan

VF: How long have you been a vegan, and how did you decide this was for you?
OC: When I was a freshman in high school, I cut out red meat and mom would just NOT let me cut out any other meat. She worried because I was a runner...she didn't think it was (safe). Once I graduated and went to college, I decided to do it. I haven't had meat for 7 years, and we've been vegan for about a year and a half. I kept reading about Forks Over Knives, have you seen it?
VF: Of course, yeah!
OC: And all these celebrities were going vegan...I mean, even Ozzy Osbourne watched it. I really liked cheese, and I didn't want to watch it, but I did, and halfway through I was like, I'm done eating all this junk! So I made Kevin (her husband) watch it and told him we were going vegan. He asked me if I was crazy. After he watched it, he decided to finish out whatever food we had in the house and said let's do it.

VF: Wow! That was easy...especially for a guy!
OC: Oh, well he was vegetarian since he was a kid...
VF: Oh! I was gonna say!

VF: Okay, so what were your other family and friends' initial reaction? Did you get the 'where are you gonna get your protein?' etc. type questions?
OC: Yeah. I mean, you're always gonna get that. My mom said she just didn't know what to make for me anymore (laughs), and my mother-in-law at first was freaking out about the kids being vegan.

VF: Have they been vegan since birth?
OC: So they're not completely vegan..they've been vegetarian since they were born, but Gabe is such a picky eater. I've gotten him to drink green smoothies! Cameron is much easier...she'll eat what we eat. I kinda wish we hadn't listened (to other family members) and tried to (have them eat) completely vegan when they were younger. It would have been a lot easier. But I also think that later down the road, they can make that decision. I think they will. (The in-laws) are much more supportive now and tries to cook for us now all the time, but yeah..we still get those comments.

VF: So your children are mostly vegetarian, semi-vegan, is that right? Or do they eat meat?
OC: No, they don't eat meat. I try to incorporate new vegan ideas that they'll like, and it's hit or miss sometimes. They like a butternut squash mac and cheese, made with cashews, fruits, and some veggies. I got Cameron to eat broccoli, but I can't get Gabe to do that at all! It's a process.

VF: What about concerns from the medical community, and other parents that vegan/vegetarian children may not get all the nutrients that are important to their development like vitamin D, B 12, protein, etc. How did you research to make the decision that this lifestyle would be ok for them?
OC: Well, of course we looked into it and tried to see what would be the best way to do it. Their pediatrician checks their blood once a year for iron levels and everything, and they're always good there. They also take a pretty clean multivitamin every day. But I also think that through the week they get what they need because we mix things up. People will try to say things but I try to take it with a grain of salt. Obviously they're fine...they're really active..they're not starving or anything!

Article: Is Veganism Safe for Kids?

VF: Not at all! They look so healthy and happy. You posted pics of some yummy desserts for Cameron's birthday. Did you make those?
OC: Yes! I made vegan cupcakes for her birthday. If I hadn't told anybody, they wouldn't have known, but of course when you mention (they're vegan), some were like 'oh, then I don't want them'. (laughter)
VF: Of course! Automatically, they become gross and no one wants anything to do with them! So funny.
OC: I'm always bringing over food to mom's house that I 'veganize'. (My brother) Hayden likes a burrito bake that I make with adobe chipotle pepper. My mom was like 'is this vegan?' and I said yeah and you just ate the whole thing!

VF: You mentioned earlier that you felt like your children may gravitate to a higher percentage vegan diet as they get older. What if they ask you can they try a different diet and eat meat, cheese, etc? Would you let them? How would you feel about that?
OC: It wouldn't hurt my feelings. My cousin's family changed their diet to vegetarian, and he would sneak hamburgers, so (laughs) if that's what they want to do, then fine. Honestly, I don't think Gabe will want to do that. Cameron doesn't really know about meat. We'll be driving down the road and pass a BBQ place and Gabe will ask 'why do people eat pigs?'
VF: Wow! To live in the south and ask that question...
OC: I know! So we try to explain it like it's normal for a lot of people we know eat cows and pigs without telling him that it's 'bad' or anything. We'd never do that. He's such a gentle soul.
VF: Aw! That's really sweet. I think that's great to say some people eat that way, and some eat like us, without being judgmental.
OC: Right...

VF: What's some of their favorite vegan snacks or meals?
OC: They love the butternut squash mac &cheese, green smoothies, carrots and hummus...I can pretty much veganize anything.

Vegan Mac & Cheese
photo copyright

VF: Is it hard when you travel, or do you just bring your food everywhere like I do?
OC: We actually went to a wedding this past Saturday, and we knew they wouldn't have food there for us, so we went to a local produce store and got lunch there, and we also packed food in the cooler. Gabe is allergic to agave and we had some raw vegan bars. I was reading the ingredients and when he heard agave, he spit it out like 'no! agave!' It's more like a sensitivity, but he knows that he broke out before and it lasted a week...
VF: Poor thing!
OC: Yeah, it's hard sometimes because a lot of people sweeten things with agave. But it's alright. We know how to make vegan sweets!
VF: Thankfully, there are other natural sweeteners out there that you can use!

VF: Well, this has been great, and I'm not going to take up anymore of your time. Is there a message or something specific you would like people to know about your lifestyle?
OC: I've thought about doing a blog because so many people ask Kevin and I what we eat. I think people are really interested in it. When we first started...Kevin refers to that time period as 'the time we ate like rabbits' wasn't that serious! He was being dramatic (laughs). Some people just don't know where to start, so I thought about a blog, but I just don't know time-wise how to fit that in. But there are so many resources out there. You can pretty much take any recipe and veganize it!
VF: I agree! We went from Gardenburgers back in the day to now there are whole sections in grocery stores dedicated to health food, or entire health food stores period. There's no reason to think this lifestyle is boring or bland. I appreciate parents like you guys who are aware of not only their health, but the health of their children. I know you're a busy mom, so thank you so much for your time! Is there anything you wanted to add?
OC: I don't think so...they're fighting over a helmet right now, so...(laughs) 

VF: Oh no! Ok, thanks Livvie! This was really exciting and fun.
OC: You're welcome! It was great talking to you.

Well! How about that? She's such a amazing young woman, and a great mommy! I must say I've learned the word "veganize" from this interview! Love it. Maybe she'll share that butternut squash mac & cheese recipe with me and I'll feature it sometime. For now, here's a vegan mac & cheese dish that looks yummy from Erica Wodzak's Cupcakes + Coffee Breaks blog (pic above). Thanks for hanging with me again, lovelies!

Until next time,

Love and Happiness,


Friday, August 16, 2013

Coconut Milk to the Rescue!

Hello my lovelies! What a summer! It is flying by. The kids are already back in school (that's how they roll in the waiting for after Labor Day down here!), and I can feel the days starting to get shorter. Forget that! I decided to ignore all the signs that autumn is right around the corner by walking around the house in my bathing suit, making fruit juice cooler spritzers, sitting in my backyard under the umbrella beside my pretend pool, and of course...making pizza! When my sister and I were kids in Brooklyn, we'd have pizza pretty much every Saturday during the summer after going to our Girl Scouts meetings. Nothing on earth like NY pizza-hands down.
Just because I'm now vegan doesn't mean that I was going to give up my love of pizza...nope. I usually just make a tomato based one (see my last post), but this time I wanted some "cheesy" goodness.
I love coconut milk, and always have a can or three on hand (not the watered down refrigerated carton stuff, but the really creamy canned type. Just make sure your can is BPA free). There's usually fresh coconuts in the house as well. Native Forest is a canned brand that is both organic and BPA free.
I knew I could make a white sauce that would satisfy my "cheesy" desire using coconut milk, garlic, and other spices. I went on a hunt and...yes! I was finally inspired by the sauce in this recipe by Sweet Beet & Green Bean. Plus, it looked deeelicious!
Here you go.

Nikki's Spinach &Tomato White Sauce Pizza

White Sauce
2 garlic heads
1/2 cup organic canned coconut milk (see my note above)
Salt & pepper to taste

1 3/4 cup unbleached flour
1/4 cup oat flour (or you can just use 2 cups total unbleached all purpose flour)
1 1/2 tsp active dry yeast
1 cup warm water
2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp salt
2 Tbsp sugar
1 tsp dried oregano and rosemary
14 tsp allspice

3 cups baby spinach
1 large onion,  chopped or sliced
1 cup kale, roughly chopped, stems removed
1 large vine ripened tomato, sliced
3 thyme sprigs

Sauté all in 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Ok, Now What?

1. Heat oven to 375 degrees.
2. Cut off tops of garlic heads. Brush with a bit of olive oil. Place on foil or baking sheet in oven for 45 min to an hour.
3. Make dough for crust. Mix yeast, sugar, allspice, oregano and rosemary in small bowl. Add warm water (not hot or you could kill the yeast...eek!). Within 5-10 minutes, it will proof, or foam.
4. Add olive oil and salt to yeast mixture. I used a mechanical sifter to add the flour to ensure adding slowly and evenly, but you can just make sure you add slowly. Add a bit of flour to counter, table, or cutting board and place dough onto it. Knead gently for about 30 seconds to 1 minute and form into a ball. Place in bowl, cover with towel and set in warm area to rise (this took an hour or so for me).
5. Sauté above veggies, except for sliced tomatoes. Lay tomato slices in pan after and gently heat each side for about a minute. Set veggies aside.
6. Take garlic out of oven after an hour, they should easily pop out of casings once cooled. Pour coconut milk into blender, add garlic cloves, salt and pepper. Blend until even.
7. Once dough is ready and about doubled in size, preheat oven to 450 degrees and lightly flour your hands. Place dough in baking pan (I used my pizza stone), and shape into a crust, shaping edge. Or you can be a fool like me and try to spin in the air as if you have that gift and dare it not to fall on the floor!! Ha ha. Thankfully, it didn't...and it was fun. 
8. Brush the pizza crust with about a tablespoon of olive oil and place in oven for about 10 minutes to lightly brown.
9. Remove crust from oven, pour coconut garlic sauce over crust and add all veggies except tomatoes. Layer tomatoes on top. Remove thyme leaves from sprigs by grasping with thumb and forefinger and using other hand to pull leaves off in opposite direction. Sprinkle over tomatoes.
10. Bake at 450-475 for another 10-15 minutes. Let cool and enjoy!!!

So? It was totally worth it! You could not taste the coconut milk at just gave the sauce a creamy, cheesy texture and the garlic flavor was amazing. The crust was to die for. So easy and delicious. Soft and chewy and the edges slightly crisp...just how I like it. Great pizza...will add it to my arsenal. True to pizza form, it's even better the next day! If you try it, let me know.

That's it for now my lovelies! My first "Vegan Mommies" interview was completed and will post next. Enjoy the rest of your summer while you can. Until next time,

Love and Happiness, 


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Summertime Antics

Hello my lovelies!!!

Are you enjoying this crazy summer? Anywhere from excessive rain to excessive heat is on deck depending on where in the U.S. you live. Oh well, what are you gonna do? I'm just making the best of it. If you're reading from outside the U.S. how is the weather where you are? What have you been doing with your summer?

Since my raw journey, I've only kept it about 50% raw versus the 75% I was hoping for. However, it's a journey, not a destination for me. Some days, I only feel like eating raw and others I find myself wanting steamed veggies, rice, beans, almond milk, nuts, etc. I just listen to my body and try not to be so hard on myself. I must be doing something right since I feel great and people continue to trip out when they find out how old I am. I'll leave that discussion for another time.

I've been so busy this summer that it is flying by and I haven't even had a vacay. Poor me, right?
Well, I have been able to have family come visit me here in ATL. It's been a revolving door: my sister and her kids, the bestie, my fiancé's mom and all his friends for his 40th birthday celebration...whew! Lots of fun, and I did get to share some of my vegan recipes and lifestyle with them. Some of them were even receptive!

That, along with my 30 day raw vegan challenge encouraged me to finally make a huge decision in my life. I'm officially (as of yesterday) back in school to be a Health Coach!!! I'm beyond excited to be able to eventually start my own business with my own clients who are interested in a healthy lifestyle that not only includes nutrition, but also physical and spiritual health. It's an amazing program through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN), and I finally feel like I'm no longer a "misfit" in my environment! Joshua Rosenthal and the educators/coaches are amazing! I'll be sporadically posting about my journey since being back in school (in addition to work, family, social obligations) will take even more of my time. Can she blog any more sporadically than she is now? someone is asking. I see you, and I appreciate your sarcasm! And, yes...yes I can. It will all be for a great purpose, though. You'll see.

So here's a peek at some of my summertime antics so far:

1. Started a Veggie Garden!

I've planted Roma and Beefsteak tomatoes, green beans, 2 varieties of cucumbers, herbs such as cilantro, oregano, and thyme as a starter. Each packet was $1.29 or less, and the "wooden" raised bed planter I found on, $70.64:
 "Raised garden bed with dimensions of 42-Inch by 84-Inch by 8-Inch high. Product has a patented corner system. Made from recycled plastic and wood. Product does not require any tools to assemble, assembles in minutes."

2. Homemade Pizza

When my youngest son wanted pizza for dinner one weekend, he didn't know I would get inspired! The top pic was a completely vegan pizza made with a whole wheat pizza crust from WalMart, around $3 for 2, pizza sauce, vine ripened tomatoes, kale, onions, spinach, cilantro, oregano, sea salt, and pepper. The veggies were sautéed in EVOO and then placed on top of the sauce and crust. Baked for about 15-20 minutes. OMG!
The bottom pic is a cheese pizza that is obviously not vegan, but prepared the same way, topped with a Italian cheese blend and baked with a Boboli cheese pizza crust for the kids. They loved it.
I have only made a frozen pizza one time since making homemade. Try it! Easy and so much more tasty.


3. Out and About

I rarely get any "me time", so one day in the beginning of summer I stole away for an hour or so to Oriental Café in Austell, GA for lunch solo. I had spicy schezuan tofu with noodles & veggies,  and seaweed salad. Lunch came with soup and I had hot and sour. Delish! All for about $12 with tip. Peace and know what I'm about to say...Priceless!

Out with my bestie in Buckhead club hopping. The Rose Bar treated us very nicely ; ) Then we went to the Havana Club. No further info on our night will be provided. Ha ha.
I pulled out the same black strapless lace dress from my "Date Night" post last year. I accessorized with huge square hoop earrings that I've had forever, a faux croc Nine West clutch, $19.99 (?) at Marshall's, and a purple and gold beaded cuff bracelet from Charming Charlie's in Douglasville's Arbor Place Mall, $10 

Tried Hookah for the first time that night at the Rose Bar...Skittle Flavored. This is the face that resulted. Hey, it's all natural herbs right?? It was fun, but I doubt I'll be a repeat customer. Not really into smoking of any kind. Fun, though-and only twenty bucks.

4. New love

One ridiculously hot day in June, I stopped at a store  for a drink while on the road and discovered Vita Coco pure coconut water with pineapple. Can I say I was hooked? Soooo good. This is the only flavor I have tried so I can't speak for other Vita Coco flavors. I can generally take or leave coconut water, so I was surprised at how much I loved this one. They tout "all natural, super-hydrating, fat-free, cholesterol-free, nutrient-packed, potassium-stacked..." on their website. They also state they are vegan and kosher. Although doing some research, I found that the company settled a $10 million class action lawsuit back in 2011 for supposedly having less nutrients in its water than they claimed. Yet, they have a ridiculous following and were recently featured in Health Magazine's "Must Eat List". Check it out here.
I bought mine for about $1.69
Oh, that nail color? I get that question all the time and I still don't know. It's gel polish...and when I sit down at the Nails & Toes salon, I ask for color #8. Glad to help!

So that's a tiny bit of my summer so far! Tell me what you've been up to. I wanted to also say RIP to one of my favorite uncles...Uncle Joe, who passed away last month. Miss you and love you.
While on that topic...please RIP Trayvon Martin. You have no idea the movement that will be started because of this travesty. I truly believe your death will not be in vain <3>

Next month I will be interviewing "Vegan Mommies" for this blog. I would love to know how you got started in veganism and how easy or difficult it has been to raise your children vegan. Leave me a note, or email me at
Can't wait!!!!

Until next time,

Love &Happiness,





Monday, May 13, 2013

Mission accomplished! 30 days RAW!

Hello once again,  my lovelies! It is a beautiful day here in the "A": 72 degrees and sunny. I likey. April definitely brought the rain which is great and all, but I'm ready for some consistent sun in May. I've got cute ensembles to rock =)

So, what's been going on with my 30 day raw journey you ask? Well freshen up your (healthy) drink, sit back and follow me. We left off on day 20 when I was finally out of my seemingly emotional slump due to what I believe were detox symptoms. Days 21-30 were pretty much a breeze, and I didn't want it to end, except when I started having dreams of cooked food--namely hummus and flaxseed chips-on day 28. Whatever, chile. Who knows what that was about?

Let's go...

Days 21-30

Day 21 was a rainy Sunday. I woke up feeling pretty refreshed, which was surprising seeing that we stayed out late at our 80's Throwback party the night before. I made a big brunch for the fam (which they had no shame in devouring it in front of me!), while I enjoyed 1/2 an avocado with sea salt and pepper and jasmine tea with a dash of coconut sugar. I pretty much drank tea and water for the rest of the day. I had an orange and 2 bananas for lunch and my usual salad for dinner. Meals are starting to get a bit repetitive, so I'm constantly searching for new recipes, otherwise I just end up not eating enough or grazing on fruit.

Days 22 & 23 felt like I was in a groove. It was if I had been eating this way all my life and didn't feel like a "challenge" at all. My emotions were in check...I was just plain happy. At work, people were side eyeing me when I didn't participate in ordering out. I side eyed them right back. Cooked food just wasn't appealing to me at that time, especially "junk" foods.
On both days breakfasts were smoothies (I made an especially delicious one that I called "Tuesday Sunshine Smoothie" that made me rub my tummy and dance as I drank. Ha! Judge not lest ye be judged!
Lunch was a variety of fruit such as bananas, grapes, bananas, mangoes, figs, dried apricots, dates, strawberries, and blackberries. Dinner on both days was a very large (think huge silver mixing bowl!) mixed greens salad with veggies, avocado, and seaweed. On day 22 I did a great kickboxing routine, and Tuesday was a boot camp style workout. Good times!

Mixed greens, veggie & seaweed salad

 Sunshine Smoothie
1 & 1/2 bananas
1 yellow mango, peeled & diced
1/2 cup frozen peaches
1 medium orange, peeled, sectioned & seeded
1/2 cup pineapple & juice
1/4 cup frozen red raspberries
add purified water to desired consistency
blend & enjoy!

Day 24 was an all fruit day. All fruit...all the day long. Don't know why, but it sho was yummy. You know bananas was up in there (4), oranges (had about 3!), 1 yellow mango, grapes, and pineapple. Also drank tons of water, about 7 cups, and 3 cups of herbal tea. I don't need to go into my bathroom situation that day, do I?

Days 25 & 26 were like BOOM! POW! I mean, I felt like a damn superhero. This raw ish can get you in trouble; got you thinking you can climb trees barefoot and jump off of buildings and ish. Man! Anyway, since I didn't eat any veggies on day 24, day 25 started off with a deelovely green smoothie that was packed with veggie power. I also added 1 tablespoon of Trader Joe's "Very Green" dietary supplement powder for insurance. It has tons magical goodness in the form of alfalfa leaf, barley grass, chlorella, spirulina, etc. I'll post the label below. Breakfast on day 26 was a simple fruit salad.
Lunch was a raw avocado soup on both days (2 avocados, juice of 1/2 lime, 1/2 cucumber (peeled), 1/2 red pepper, cilantro leaves to taste, cumin to taste, dash sea salt, red pepper flakes, 3/4 cup of water, all blended. Um, hello..yum!) Dinner was nori veggie wraps on day 25 and mixed veggie salad with curry dressing on day 26. I drank 10 cups of water on day 25 and 12 on day 26. Go me.
Skin clear, allergies are much improved with very little mucous in the mornings (sorry), and my clothes are looser. Down 12ish pounds.

Green Super Powers Smoothie
handful baby spinach
smaller handful kale
3 leaves green leaf lettuce
1 banana
1/2 cup pineapple & juice
1/2 cup strawberries
mint leaves to taste
1 tablespoon Trader Joe's "Very Green" powder
1 cup purified water
blend & bottoms up!
Trader Joe's (Darwin's) Very Green Supplement, $19.99 (35 servings per container, so it lasts quite a while)

Alfalfa leaf extract, barley grass juice powder, pea fiber, spirulina powder, green tea leaf extract to name of few of the powerhouse ingredients. Good stuff.

Days 27-30 had me feeling very apprehensive that this challenge was coming to an end! I felt like I wanted to stay raw a bit longer...then reminded myself that, duh, I could if I wanted to. No one was forcing me to go back to cooked food! Smh. Then, as if right on confused girl cue, I wanted to take a bite out of the black bean burgers I was preparing for my fam on day 28. Smh again. I didn't, but it did show me that I was putting too much pressure on myself to choose raw vegan vs cooked vegan. I decided to stay high raw (75-80% raw), and cooked healthy vegan whenever I feel like it. Done. Sheesh. Fruits and salads pretty much ruled these last 4 days. I had a fruit smoothie that my love made for me on day 29, but other than that, it was just fresh fruits. I made a new raspberry vinaigrette dressing on day 29 that came out of nowhere. I tossed it in a fruit, kale, and spinach salad that lasted 2 days. Day 30 was a raw guacamole dip and mixed salad that was pretty good. Ended on a really tasty note. Proud of me.

Fruit, kale, and spinach salad
Kale, spinach leaves (as much as you want)
orange sections
pineapple chunks
1 banana
1/2 cucumber
red pepper
sea salt, black pepper to taste
raw pumpkin seeds sprinkled on top

Raspberry vinaigrette dressing:
1/2 cup raspberries
1/4 cup pineapple juice
red pepper salsa puree left over from my black bean burger recipe
(3 garlic cloves, 1/2 onion, 1/2 red pepper, 1 Turkish hot pepper)
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1/2 tbsp spicy mustard
1 tsp raw coconut sugar (or your choice)
dash salt & pepper
mix well in blender/food processor

Raw Guacamole w/salad

Well, that's IT, lovelies. I did it!!! Did anyone join me? Is anyone planning on testing the raw waters?If so, let me know. There's no experience like this one. Truly. Mental clarity, physical and emotional healing, and just increased overall appreciation for all things is what I toook away from this challenge.
Like I said above, I will be continuing my raw journey; it doesn't stop here. It's now a part of my life. I'll also be experimenting with more recipes, including desserts and will continue to blog about the experience.
Thank you again for ALL the support, emails, texts, encouragement, and shout outs! Love you guys.
To your health,

Love and happiness,


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Baking Bread...My New Obsession!

Ok lovelies, this post is completely off topic of what I've been talking about lately. Hell, it's not even vegan-related. However, in my quest to find the perfect tasting gluten free bread for my youngest son (aka the manchild), I've given up on the store-bought stuff and went back to baking my own.

Some may know that he is on the autism spectrum and gluten is not an ingredient I want in his food for various reasons. Gluten is a protein that exists in many grains such as wheat, barley, rye, etc. Some people cannot digest the protein (as in celiac disease for example), but for my son and others like him with autism, there has been a link between autism and the inability to break down gluten in their gastrointestinal tracts. This prompts the release of opiates. Yep! He basically gets high off his own supply. Poor guy! There is debate about this of course, but let's just say it has been medically proven in my son.

Since his gluten "addiction" has seemed to worsen over the past few months, I'm slowly removing it from his foods. The main source for him being bread, why not start there? I baked breads from scratch before, but with the use of a bread maker. I was nervous about how my "real bread" would turn out. I started out with a gluten free flour pre-packaged mix that I found at Kroger (about $4.99).


It turned out pretty good!He and the fiance LOVED it. Still, I wanted to use my own flours and other ingredients, so I searched the web.
I found this site, which has an amazing variety of not only gluten free breads but also paleo, yeast free, dairy free, refined sugar goes on. Man! My head was spinning, but I did spot a multigrain recipe that looked good. I based the bread I baked on this recipe, but tweaked some ingredients. I went back to the Dekalb Farmer's Market here in Atlanta and did some shopping.
I subbed organic oat flour for the almond flour (although I will try it in the future), and since I couldn't find sorghum flour in the store, I subbed coconut flour. Megan stated coconut flour "would not work" with this recipe, but it turned out just fine for me. It just calls for a bit more liquid to be added to get the right consistency. I use almond milk in my breads because I find it adds a bit of lightness to the bread. Total liquid I used was about 1 1/2 cups. 1 cup water, 1/2 cup almond milk. I also used agave syrup instead of honey. I later found sorghum flour online at, and it should be arriving any day.
Fresh out the oven. Smell it?!!

Sliced easily. Think I'll slice smaller next time. He had ginormous sandwiches at school =)
That's it. It was simple to make, and smelled deeelicious! Of course, I'm doing raw now, so I couldn't taste it. Still was another hit with the fellas, so I'm excited to see what else I can come up with. I'm thinking raisin bread, or something vegan friendly. I have also started using organic coconut sugar, which is so much better for you than agave (in my opinion), and you can also bake with it so I will be trying it out in my baked goods soon.
Thanks to everyone who has been asking for the recipe. I'll keep posting more as I make them.
Love and Happiness,

Emotionally Raw...20 Days

Back again, my lovelies to update you on this raw journey of mine. Are you all well? Good! I've got lots to share so let's get to it. Days 16-20 were a roller coaster, but I held on!

Days 16-20

Day 16 was like a gift from the perfect life fairy. I kid you not. Tuesday is usually a good day for me. Don't know why. I don't question it, I just ride the wave. Ha! I woke up feeling so clear headed and light inside. Very energetic. Still congested and "sneezy" since my arch enemy pollen was lingering around like an unwelcome house guest. I had resumed my intense workouts in the past few days and was about to do a kickboxing class, when my fiance said he wanted to "go shopping". Screeech! This from the king of frugal?! I quickly ate 2 bananas for breakfast, along with 2 cups of water. I also take water with me wherever I go. After shopping (he bought me 2 GORGEOUS summer dresses!), we went to lunch at Macaroni Grill in Marietta. I had a really great HUGE house salad and water with lemon. I was hungry by dinner time, so I had lots of fruit and raw nuts-I find that helps with any cravings. Grapes, blueberries, bananas, raw cashews & peanuts, and pineapple. I also had a cup of herbal tea before bed. Still sleeping well with vivid dreams, 6-7 hours/night.

My lunch salad at Macaroni Grill

Day 17 found me with a ton of energy, but not much of an appetite. Boooo!
I only had a small breakfast of 6-8 Medjool dates (I swear they taste like candy) and that was it. About 2 or so hours later, I had a banana and herbal tea for a snack. Lunch was a smoothie made with oranges, pineapples, and bananas. Dinner was a big veggie salad made with red leaf kale, carrots, avocado, onions, raisins, and spinach. Going to the bathroom is now my most frequent past time =\
I'm also noticing that I am always burping or gassy (not stinky tho! That's another plus to this whole raw thing). Morning breath is also waaay less offensive! Almost non-existent. I said almost. Skin is soft and clear. Wish my allergies would disappear.

Day 18 was quite interesting. I woke up feeling pretty good. Worked out first thing (kickboxing and some yoga), and had a deeelicious Berry Banana Smoothie for breakfast. Snack was a handful of raw pumpkin seeds and 2 Medjool dates. Drank lots of water this morning, about 4 cups already. The day was uneventful until about 1 or 2 pm. I began feeling very anxious and wasn't sure why. I used to suffer from panic attacks, and it almost felt like the beginning of a panic attack which was very concerning. I also started to feel very tired physically and mentally. I don't know if I was having an emotional detox ( I talk about this in my first "raw" video), but it was not fun. I went on to eat a couple of oranges and bananas at work and drank about 4-5 more cups of water for the day, not including 2 cups of herbal tea. I didn't eat my salad for dinner.

Berry Banana Smoothie:
1 med-large frozen banana
1/4 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 cup strawberries
1/2 cup pineapple chunks w/juice
3/4 cup frozen peaches

Day 19 had me feeling a little better, but still emotionally flat.Wth? I wanted something crunchy with my breakfast so I had raw cashews and a fruit salad. I have to say my taste buds appreciate food in its natural state now. I can actually taste the flavors of each food I eat without having to season it or drown it in sauces or dressings. I was off from work that Friday, and slept most of the early part of the day. Maybe I just needed some rest because I woke up and had a smoothie my fiance made for me and went back to sleep for the night!

Day 20 Hallelujah. Woke up feeling like my fabulous self again! Lol. My energy was back. I jumped out of bed, but not before reminiscing on the dream I had about being married to Lil Wayne and...well, never mind. I've lost about 8-10 pounds so far for those who are asking. I didn't really weigh in on the first day, so yeah. I had a green smoothie for breakfast (spinach, kale, 1 banana, and pineapple). So good. I caught up with my best friend on the phone, talked with another girlfriend, went to the nail salon, and then shopping for the 80's Throwback party my fiance and I were invited to that night. Somewhere in there I fit in a mango and 2 bananas for lunch, 4 cups of water, and 2 nori rolls with lettuce and avocado for dinner. The party had an open bar, and this was the first time in recent memory that I partied while drinking only water all night...and had a blast!!! Go figure. Btw, I was Jody Watley and he was a B-boy =)

Nikki "Watley" wearing the fiance's B-boy glasses

MC Roc in the house!

There you have crazy emotional detox days. I'm thankful for them, though because it means I've let go of whatever was buried deep down unbeknownst to me. I'm currently on day 24 and am almost sad this is coming to a close. I do miss rice and beans, and hummus, to be quite honest. Other than that, I feel amazing. We'll see what happens! Thanks for hanging with me again. Be well.

Love and Happiness,



Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Two Cent Tuesdays! Restaurant Edition

Hello again my lovelies! I trust you are all having a fabulous Tuesday.

I thought I would switch it up a bit this time and give my two cents on some of the vegan/vegetarian restaurants I have visited over the past few months. If you live in the Atlanta area and are vegan/vegetarian, feel free to suggest or comment on some of your favorite eateries. Let's go!

Cafe Sunflower

2140 Peachtree Rd. Atlanta, GA 30309

My honey and I went to Cafe Sunflower in Buckhead back in January after some shopping at nearby Lenox Mall. This location is in the Brookwood Square Plaza.There is also another location in Sandy Springs.
Parking is easy and adequate.The decor is cozy and colorful, my favorite touch being the Chinese lantern type light fixtures dangling from the ceiling. Our waitress was really friendly without being overbearing. Their menu includes both vegetarian and vegan dishes with a touch of international variety. I was finally able to order a vegan  artichoke & spinach dip (that was actually very good!), so that's what we had as an appetizer. The fiance ordered a tall glass of herbal iced tea and I had a glass of vegan friendly cabernet sauvignon. Both of our beverages hit the spot, and our waitress was kind enough to tell us where we could purchase a bottle of our wine at a less expensive cost than at the establishment. See? I can be as frugal as the next chick.
Right at about the time our chips and dip ran out (and my buzz started knocking), our entrees arrived. Mine was a truly delicious sesame crispy soy "chicken" stir fry with snow peas, broccoli, and other veggies in a sweet & spicy sauce and brown rice. Lawd! He chose the orzo eggplant lasagna which was comprised of layers of portabella mushroom, eggplant, tofu ricotta and other veggies, laced in their marinara sauce. It also came with a side of salad greens with artichokes & olives in a balsamic vinaigrette dressing. This is bomb...he said (or something similar).
We were adequately satisfied for a surprisingly reasonable cost of just over $40 for a "specialty" lunch that tasted very good. I had to fight off our waitress's dessert Jedi mind tricks. I won. This time. The vegan dessert tray looked mesmerizing.

 Vegan Spinach & Artichoke Dip, $9  Herbal Iced Tea, $3

 Orzo Eggplant Lasagna, $12
Sesame "Chicken", $12
Bottom line: Recommended
The lunch menu had a great variety, and although you may have to hand over a few more dollars than you're used to for lunch, it's worth it. The food is delicious, the service is great, and they state they support local farms and use organic "whenever possible". Note: menus differ at each location.

Healthful Essence

875 York Ave. Atlanta, GA 30310

If you are Carribean (like me) and have adopted a non-meat eating lifestyle (, there are times that you can become nostalgic for the foods you grew up loving. Healthful Essence solves this problem without question! The fiance and I were in a throwback mood and decided to hit up this spot and give it a try. It's not easy substituting West Indian dishes, so we were not sure what to expect.
We made our way across I-20 to the West End of Atlanta. We nearly missed the restaurant due to it being a lot smaller than we anticipated. It's located in a strip plaza (kind of) behind a Krispy Kreme. Hmmm...I was skeptical. Ample parking was available on the lot, so I kept my judgement at bay.
When you walk in, there's the  cash register and the counter with the food to your left, a few tables and chairs to the right, a menu on the wall above, and that's about it. Double hmmm.
We were greeted by a very loud and cheerful character, who happened to also be from Guyana like the fiance. He explained our options for ordering "hot" and "cold" items and gave us a sample of anyting we wanted. One taste of the food and any concerns I had were GONE!
One section had raw, or cold dishes and my absolute favorite of those options was the seaweed salad. Let me repeat: THE SEAWEED SALAD IS BEYOND! I have yet to find another in Atlanta that is as good. They also had broccoli and cauliflower salads, cole slaw, kale salad, and other live salads which were all pretty good.
On to the cooked foods. Yessir! They call their vegan/vegetarian versions of meat dishes the "Un" dish. For instance, we sampled the curry UnGoat and the stewed UnSalmon. We ordered 2 cold and 2 hot sides each, along with our choice of "meat" all for $7.50 each. Pretty good, huh?
I copped the seaweed salad, live salad casserole, curried veggies, steamed greens, and curried UnGoat. Whew! My little belly was screaming for me to stop, but instead I gave it some ginger beer to muzzle it.
The fiance had the marinated kale salad, veggie wrap salad, jerk UnChicken, sauteed cabbage, and stewed veggies. His drink of choice was mauby. We sampled off each other's plate for the full experience, of course! We could barely move when done.

Bottom line: Highly Recommended
I love the fact that they have a raw foods selection that tastes amazing, and I can get vegan food reminiscent of my childhood that actually comes close in flavor. They are true to their name, and the price for dinner for 2 was about $25! What? I gladly traded a fancy decor for this amazing food. They also serve smoothies, roti, veggie burgers, patties, and nori rolls. We will definitely be returning customers as long as they are around and the food is this divine.

Why I did this review while on a raw vegan challenge is beyond me. Thank goodness I'm feeling strong. However, I know on day 31 where we will be headed to eat!! Thanks for spending time with me again today, lovelies. Until next time.

Love and Happiness,


Monday, April 22, 2013

Still Raw!

Hello lovelies! I hope you are all well.

I want to take a moment to send my condolences to all affected by the horrible bombings in Boston last week. As a runner, it made me physically sick to imagine feelings of euphoria and triumph turn to fear and pain. As a human being, I am saddened by some who choose to also call themselves human, yet bring themselves to commit such unthinkable acts against others. My heart and spirit is encouraged, though. I know as a people, overall we are still good, kind, and full of love. RIP to all those who lost their lives, and peace to all those they left behind.

Well as promised, here is an update on my 30 day raw challenge journey! Today is day 15 (cheer, roar, clap..take your pick)!!! Dare I say that I feel like this could be a MAJOR change in my life? I know it may be a bit premature as I'm only 2 weeks in, but I feel so amazingly fabulous that I can't imagine not doing this from here on out. At least 80-85% raw, while incorporating some of my faves such as brown rice, beans, almond milk, and grains into the other 15-20% of my diet. Let me slow down...and take you back to the last 5 days =)

Days 11-15

Day 11 was a pretty good day. My diet is pretty much the same now daily. Over the past year I have grown to love bananas, which is funny because I used to hate 'em. Since on this raw challenge, I have been eating them like I'm a baby monkey. I had 2 for breakfast along with an Ataulfo, or yellow mango. Lunch was another banana and an orange. I snacked on raw nuts and dried cranberries and later had more fruit for dinner. I had no veggies today. Not sure why, but wasn't really wanting any. I drank about 6 cups of water and had 3 cups of herbal tea. My skin is softer and the eczema that occasionally flares up on my hands are gone.

Day 12 started with a fruit cooler for breakfast: 1/2 cup seeded watermelon, 1/2 cup strawberries, 1/2 cup blackberries, juice of 1 lemon, 1 peeled orange, 3 cups water and 2 tsp agave nectar blended. Really refreshing! I bottled and refrigerated the leftovers. Lunch was a spinach, kale, cucumber, and tomato salad with my home made curry dressing. I forced myself to have 2 bananas and an orange for dinner later that night. I was not hungry at all. I only drank about 4 cups of water today and had 2 cups of herbal tea. I have to increase my water intake to flush these toxins out and keep hydrated! My allergies are still irritating me. I wake up very congested still.

Day 13 started out with any innocent desire to have something different for breakfast and turned into a trail mix buffet of sorts. I received a call from my cousin in Canada and we were on the phone for about an hour. By the time 10 o'clock rolled around, I had eaten more than a handful of raw cashews, dried papaya, raw hazelnuts, raisins, and dried pineapple. I felt bloated and thought that it felt like a bit of a binge, but guilt has no business here so I let it go. I had a banana and some dried seaweed for lunch with herbal tea and water. I had fruit for dinner as the fiance and I watched a movie later. I'm in the bathroom so much, I might as well slap on a diaper =\
My sleep continues to be good with very vivid dreams. I sleep about 6-7 hours a night and feel rested.

Day 14 was a BEAUTIFUL, beyond day. Although I still woke up congested, once I hit the shower, my nose and sinuses cleared up and I stopped sneezing like a fiend. The fiance wanted to picnic in the park and that's what we did. He made a smoothie for my breakfast before we left: strawberries, blackberries, bananas, coconut and dates. Bam! Delicious. I packed a ginormous salad for the both of us, sandwiches for the manchild, a bottle of wine for the fiance, hummus and chips for the both of them, and fruit and water for me. We sat by the water at Sweetwater Creek State Park, played some Teena Marie and had a blast. Dinner was more salad for me and water. I feel noticeably lighter and my clothes are a bit looser. I haven't weighed myself in a while. Maybe I will tomorrow.

Day 15 has been a bit of a stomach churner. Literally. I swear it's like I can actually FEEL and HEAR all the food I eat digesting! Weird. I'm still congested, but not as bad. I had 2 bananas and some of my watermelon cooler drink for breakfast. I felt a bit tired today so I had a 2 hour nap from about 12-2pm and that did wonders. I snacked on raw cashews, papaya, seaweed, strawberries and blackberries. Dinner was leftover salad from yesterday's picnic. I drank 8 cups of water today and had 1 cup of herbal tea. I made sesame-ginger stir fried rice for the fam's dinner and for a split second, I thought I wanted some rice. This was the first time I've had something close to a craving since I've started. I even baked bread last night for the manchild without a second thought. Thankfully, as quickly as the thought came, it was gone. I'm actually excited for the the next two weeks.  My fiance says I smell like berries. I didn't believe him until I smelled my arms. I actually SMELL like fruit. Awesome!

 Picnic Salad

 Yellow Mango

Toasting life with my love

 Picnic basket

Well, there you are. I'm truly loving this challenge. I want to incorporate more veggies because it seems like I'm eating more fruit than veggies. Which, I'm not sure that it's necessarily bad, but I want to make sure I'm getting all my nutrients. I'll probably do another vid tomorrow. Until next time,

Love and Happiness,


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

30 Day Raw Vegan (Is She INSANE?)

Hello my lovelies! I really have been here, I promise. Life is great and is keeping me busy. I hope all is well with you and that you are rocking this life OUT!

Last week I announced on Twitter, FB, Instagram, etc that I would be starting a 30 day raw vegan challenge, which I started on April 8. Today is day 10 of my journey and I have to say that I FEEL AMAZING. You can check out the video below for some quick info on what this is and why I'm doing this. I will be doing this challenge from April 8-May 8 and it will incorporate raw fruits, veggies and some nuts as well. Raw eating is an incomparable way of living. It's actually a lifestyle, because it impacts every other aspect of your life. I love this blog by 19 year old Em from Vancouver, Canada. She embodies my philosophy and has some pretty impressive raw recipes on her site:

This Rawsome Vegan Life

Wasn't that beyond?? Good for her!!

I thought I would be blogging about my journey 2-3 times per week, but I felt like it would be monotonous to keep posting about what I'm eating all day =) 
So instead, I will blog and vlog periodically with updates (that you may or may not care

Days 1-6

Day 1 was pretty good. I didn't feel sluggish or have any detox symptoms. I ate bananas and grapes for breakfast. For lunch I had a green smoothie (spinach, kale, bananas, and pineapple) and dinner was a big salad made with avocado, spinach, tomatoes, cabbage, orange slices, onions, and my homemade dressing made of curry powder, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, spicy mustard, sea salt, pepper, and raw sugar. I slept well and had no major issues.

Day 2 was a bit of a mixed bag. I woke up feeling very positive and light. I had a strawberry banana smoothie for breakfast. I ate similar to above, but I started to feel "snacky". Ha! That means I wanted some pita chips and hummus, folks. I worked that day, so that kept me from focusing on it too much. I ate a lot of raw almonds and raisins to help with the snacking fever. However, I did have to make a pit stop to Sevananda (a whole/heath foods store here in Atlanta), and found some raw vegan kale chips that were amazing. Satisfied that demon! Also, lots of visits to the bathroom (or water closet, as my BFF's hubby calls it-ha!). No details needed.

Day 3 was a sleepy day. My body just felt heavy and foggy. I tried to eat as much as I could, but I mostly just rested. Detox. Yuck. More fruits today than veggies.

Days 4-6 were much better. We were out of town for spring break in the Smoky Mountains! I surely did haul my raw life with me. For the road, I had bananas, grapes, water, and Bolthouse Farms unpasteurized juices (Green Goodness and Berry Blast), along with my raw trail mix. That kept me satisfied. Once we got to the cabin, I made a huge salad for dinner and banana ice cream for dessert. Banana ice cream is the shizzz! All you do is freeze a peeled banana (or several for more people) and let it soften a bit before you blend it. Once it's blended, it looks just like soft serve. It has a great taste, and you've used ONE  RAW ingredient. You can always add peanut butter, chocolate, fruits, etc if you want to, but I love it just like this. So did my future hubby =)
Throughout our trip, I noticed my appetite had begun to diminish, so I would have to remind myself to eat a banana or an orange just to keep my nutrients up. My boo even brought some cognac with us and I just sat back and watched him drink. Didn't even want  a sip. I KNOW....ME! You'll notice that the more natural, whole foods you eat, the less cravings you'll have. True hunger is an amazing feeling. I also slept very well and woke up by 6-3:30 on my own feeling refreshed. That mountain air is intoxicating, by the way. Had a blast.

Days 7-10

Day 7 had me thinking I was Superwoman. I felt so high! I was buzzing all over the place. My poor fiance just wanted to go and rest somewhere after our trip and I was so full of energy. Ha! I had a smoothie made of 1/2 apple, juice of 1/2 lemon, 1 banana, and 1 orange. It was sooo good. It reminded me of that old school juice place in the mall, Orange Julius! Remember that? No? Ok, moving on.
We were on the road by lunch/dinner time so I had some more raw trail mix (raw peanuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, raisins). For dinner, I wasn't really hungry so I had some herbal tea and 2 bananas.

Day 8 was another great day. I woke up feeling refreshed and had some beyond dreams that I won't puzzle you all with. They were dope, though. I had peach herbal tea and grapes for breakfast. Me and the hunny went to the Dekalb Farmer's market and scored big. I was in vegan girl heaven! I've lived in Atlanta for going on 8 years and I had never been there. Smh. We ended up spending about $115, but we got a ton of goodies. Can I just take the time to say how supportive my fiance has been this past week? He has unconsciously joined me on this journey and he didn't have to. Thanks, babe!!!
We came home and immediately, he made a huge salad from our exotic veggies. The most notable taste was the red leaf spinach. I swear it tastes like licorice!! I made another dressing from red wine vinegar, lemon juice, turmeric, cayenne pepper, ginger, garlic, and raw agave nectar. Beyond.
Dinner was a small amount of some more of the amazing salad. It was a great day.

Day 9 KICKED MY ASS!!! I felt horrible! What happened?? And I was funkeee. The fumes coming from my armpits could have won the war on their own. Oh my goodnasss. Since the skin is the body's largest organ, you will detox through it in the form of either increased body odor, rashes, pimples, or a combination of all. I was also cramping in my back, and my allergies were turned all the way up; I couldn't breathe. I felt like utter crap. I really pushed myself to eat, but ended up only having tea, water, 2 bananas, some raw trail mix that the fiance made out of our dried fruits and nuts, and a fruit salad that was the highlight of my day. I was in bed most of the day and finally drifted off passed the hell out around 10:30 or so.

Day 10 (today) is like I'm someone else. I feel like I did on day 7. My energy is through the roof. I was literally doing twirls around the house this morning as I got the manchild ready for school and yapping a mile a minute at my fiance. He just made me the most amazing "berry delight" breakfast smoothie as I'm working on this post. Just what I needed. Sometimes I think we can read each other's minds. Which makes me monitor my thoughts around him sometimes. Ha ; )

Some of our Dekalb Farmer's Market Haul!!

Raw nuts and dried fruit, red kale, red spinach, organic red chard (hey, we were on a "red" kick), organic seaweed (so good!), fruits-including yellow mangoes, which were DIVINE, avocados, tomatoes/lemons/hot peppers, and my day 9 fruit salad


So that's where I am lovelies. I feel good today and hope I have made it through the worst of it. Don't let the funky days discourage you if you're joining me on this journey. It's just your body's way of ridding itself of the ish it doesn't need. Hope you enjoyed the pics, vid, and journey. See you soon!

Love & Happiness,
